There is more to your oral health than just teeth! Believe it or not, keeping your gums healthy is just as important, if not MORE important when it comes to maintaining good oral health. Yes, it is important to keep your actual teeth cavity free, fix them if they have cracked or broken, etc. But gum disease is a very serious dental condition that affects your overall health. What good are shiny white healthy teeth if the your gums are full of bacteria and disease?
Gum disease, more scientifically known as periodontal disease, is basically a bacteria that gets under the gums and starts eating away at the bone around your teeth. For more detailed information on periodontal disease, more photos, and different treatment options available, check out this Green Family Dental website page.
One of the first signs of gum disease is red, puffy, swollen gums that start to recede, or pull away from the teeth, like in the photo below. If you think you may need treatment for periodontal disease, call our office at 778-4681 for a consultation!